Brooke Carpenter is a life long Muskingum County resident. She is a 1994 graduate of Zanesville High School and a 2004 graduate of Zane State College. In 2014 she began her career in Real Estate after finishing her schooling at Hondros College in Columbus. As a member of the Guernsey Muskingum Board of Realtors Brooke has gained a wealth of experience and knowledge to help her clients achieve their home ownership goals. Brooke is an active member of St James Episcopal Church of Zanesville, a volunteer for the Last Saturday Supper, Dresden Elementary PTO, Tri Valley Cheer Booster Club, and Fair Play 4H club. She is married to Bruce Carpenter, mother of Jackson, Jenna and Julia. You may find her gardening, collecting vintage Christmas, cheering on her daughters at sporting events, and of course rooting for The Ohio State Buckeyes. Call her today for any housing needs you may have.